Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Well, it took me like 3 days to finally put this one up, but I have been busy. Anyway, this show was fucking awesome. There were a lot of problems, because from what I recall, this show was originally supposed to be at 242 Main. Which is this little club there that always holds shows. I've played there a couple times before. Anyway. The next place it was supposed to be at, was at one of the Unrestrained dude's basement. But then there was a noise complaint before the show even started. So It got moved to like this office space in "Downtown" Burlington. I always thought Vermont shows were sort of weird and awkward. But I think it was the bigger spaces that make them awkward. At a small venue. They can be rather fun!

This is a Pennsylvania up and coming band. They are sort of that band trying to go for the Mid90s sound. They were good, but the only thing I found about this band, which is not a bad thing, is that they are still trying to find their sound. So they have potential. I heard some of the stuff on their myspace like a week or 2 before the show and was quite impressed. But yea, they are still looking for their particular sound.

I am gonna say it straight. I used to hate this band. I thought they were horrible, but they made the exact changes I always thought about when I saw them. "Change your drummer please!". And now they sound amazing. I was really impressed with their set. Another thing is that the singer at least didn't spend 3 hours after every song saying the same thin of every show. He actually said cool stuff that night, and wasn't like saying it too much. Although, I do not agree in everything that he said.

I always liked this band. But I never could really see them play a whole set. They completely blew me away. The new songs are ill as fuck. Simple, heavy, awesome. Definitely this band is gonna be the next big thing. Mark my words. They are going to be touring non-stop this summer, and that will just make them better, tighter, and people will get so into them. It's gonna be insane.

We just had the best show we've played as a band. It was fun, and the crowd was fun. I need to fix my snare drum.

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