Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rag Men listening party with my mom in the living room

So as some of you may know, i have not been keeping up with the blog as I usually did. Anyway, this last summer, in between July and August, I visited Puerto Rico, for the first time in a couple years. I obviously went to visit my family and friends, but also the usual visit to play some gigs with my band(s). So yea. I did get a new pair of Vans Classics, which I only bought to skateboard since my old skating shoes were too destroyed and had no grip. And a couple other experiences.

As usual, me and my boy W-Lo exchanged some stuff. I still owe him the Nike SKU book, which i thought was smaller than it is, because that thing as almost as big as my suitcase, haha. So yea. One of the things I got was the Rag Men 12". God damn, I love that band. And I also had lost my CD copy of this which i got pretty much when that album came out some years back. I can't remember how long ago was this exactly.

The story of this was, I went to San Juan to drop the last 2 of my Los Bungalito's bandmates at the airport, and to also go to Old San Juan to take some pics and stuff. After I went to hang out with some of my friends, because I was departing the next day. When I meet W-lo... motherfucker gave me a gift, and it was Rag Men's 12". I really don't know how did he find this, but damn, it's the coolest thing I have gotten in a while (actually, maybe since I got my Olympic Nike Air Force 180's in NYC, April '08).

So yea, I have to say, this review of how I listened to the album for the first time in years, is actually by petition of master W-lo.

It was around 9pm. Obviously the night before I left. I go and put my new record on the turntable that's in the living room. (Note, the turntable in my room wasnt working well.) So yea. I start playing the record and My World comes in, and I start losing it. So I go up to my mom, she's in her room watching some soap operas or whatever she watches, and I make her come to the living room, and I pretty much made her listen to the whole album with me. And I know she must have hated it, but i was siked. I think I actually played it twice, I can't remember properly.

About the other records I got while I was down there, was a very old copy of Dead Kenedy's "Give Me Convenience, Or Give Me Death", and The Misfits' "Die, My Darling" from W-lo. I bought two 7 Seconds records. I got a copy of "The Crew" and a copy of "New Wind". All 5 records great. I think I have a picture.

1 comment:

Willo C. said...

Cool note, but why you did not called your pops, "Mr. Vargas"??? thinking about that makes me trip, India beer and white cheese watching baseball.

We need a Ragmen reunion @next BNB Bowl 2010.

I knew you will like them, I made my moves and...taraaaaaaa.

Also got you some new stuff (" better recognize...")

Miss you, GO UMASS!!! (jaaaaaaaa)