Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I went to this show to see my friend's band Hivesmasher. And still, I don't recall the last time I went to a straight up metal show. So for that, I felt a little bit out of place, since I didn't really know a lot of people. Little by little, i started seeing familiar faces. It was a good show, not packed, I thought there was going to be more people, then i realized it was a Tuesday night show. So it made more sense to me after that.

Machine Language:
I still don't know if this is the name of the band, but that's what I think, so I am gonna call them like this. They played a very good set. Very heavy stuff, the drummer was really good, but the only thing I think killed this band's set was that one of the guirar players should revise his tuning. But it wasn't bad apart from that. I am really looking forward to seeing this band again. They said they are recording at Dead Air soon. Then I overheard one of the guys in the band saying it was only going to be one day. Hope they do a lot in that day.

One of the reasons for me going to this show was to see this band. I mean, I have seen them before, and really enjoyed it. Kinda like grind core, and now add some keyboards to the mix. It's weird, because I usually don't like keyboards in bands, but you can't really tell there is a keyboard in this band. They played a good set. But there was this really long-haired metal dude that kept telling one of the guitar players to turn up his amp, and that masked the whole sound of the drumkit. So you couldn't really hear the drums. I think it took a lot away from what the sound would have been.

This is the first time I see this band, I have heard a lot about them in the PRHC board, and seen their cd's at Newbery's and stuff. But from what I noticed, I mean, everyone did, they played a lot of new stuff. So it's very, very heavy stuff. They played a couple old ones, and they were good too. New stuff is different from what I had previously heard, and the drummer is nuts.

The first time I ever heard of this band. Didn't even know they existed. And they blew me away. I just stayed the whole set looking at the drummer play. He was nasty. That's all I can say. I did forget to get their cd, well, I didn't forget. I didn't have the money.

Trap Them:
After all this time, this is the first time I get to hear what this band is all about. I kinda didn't pay attention to them because of the Image that came to my mind when I hear of this band. I mean they played well, lots of blast beats, technical drumming stuff, even though the riffs weren't that technical. Heavy shit. Even though I really, really enjoyed seeing them. After all it was exactly how I pictured them to be like. I mean, lately I have been getting into more metal and bands that style. Maybe I'll download their stuff, becuase it's stuff I like, but don't think I'd actually pay for their stuff. I mean, I would have last night to support the touring band. But I didn't have money.

Above all, it was a good, show. I just think I am like not used to the whole metal show where bands play longer sets, than hardcore bands. But can't wait to see some of these bands again!

1 comment:

xlaxparkax said...

Furnace and The_Network. Good beans.

Trap Them is OK, but they need to stop writing the same song ad nauseam.