Monday, August 4, 2008

Merrimack Valley Hardcore and other news

Well, I just heard about this, and I have to admit I am very very excited.

I don't know if most of you know about Welfare Records. It was the last MVHC venue we had, and it got shut down. It really makes me mad when stuff like that happens. A lot of the kids don't understand that these kind of venues are but a priviledge. But the news is that Welfare is opening the venue up again as "Anchors Up!". This makes me very happy because that means we will have a new venue here in the Valley. I just hope kids don't pass this for granted and actually take care of it so it doesn't get shut down like it happened when it was Welfare and like when we used to have New Direction.

We're gonna be having a lot of awesome shows here in the valley again, and it's really awesome for the hardcore scene up here. Anyway, I am not going to be here when it opens in a week or 2 because of tour, but there's nothing better than being away from home and coming back to know I'll have a place to go ton shows and have fun again.

In other news. Los Perex ( from Dominican Republic have just posted a new song from their upcoming album "Internacionalizando La Ezperanza." And if you live in the Arizona area or in Mexico, get ready, because they are going to be touring near you. Also they are going to be having some shows at the end of the year in Puerto Rico. I really am looking forward for this new album by them! Be on the lookout, this band is here to stay!

Also in Puerto Rico. August 29 and 30th. Blood In Blood Out is going to be playing shows in the Island. Hardass hardcore from Indiana. Here's a little promo video for the show!

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